“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:22-23.
To: Trial Bishop, all Elders, Pastors, Assistant Pastors,
Ordained/ Local Ministers, Deacons/ Deaconesses and Laity
From: Bishop Charlene M. Jamison, Jurisdictional Prelate
Date: Friday, June 28, 2024
Re: 2024 State Assembly Closing Session
As we approach the 85th Holy Gathering of the North Carolina Diocese, commonly known as the 2024 Annual State Assembly, I greet each of your in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
I am asking that each of you be guided by the nightly color schedule and let us come expecting great things from the Lord.
Also, on Sunday Morning, August 4th during the 11:30 AM service:
1. The Trial Bishop, and all Elders of every rank and file are asked to be uniformed for the closing session of the State Assembly. All are asked to wear a plain black suit (without any embellishments/ rhinestones or additional colors), black clergy shirt with the full white neckband collar for the Trial Bishop all Elders. No hats should be worn on this day, when dressed in civic attire.
2. All other ministers are also asked to wear their plain black suits (without any embellishments/ rhinestones or additional colors), black clergy shirt with tab white collar. No hats should be worn on this day, when dressed in civic attire.
3. Finally, each Deacon and Deaconess is requested to be uniformed in their Official Deacons navy blue blazer with gold square city symbol on the left side of the blazer. No hats should be worn on this day, when dressed in official attire.
Your cooperation and participation in this endeavor are genuinely appreciated.
Exodus 28 contains a detailed description of the garments God commanded to be made and worn by the priests? These were “sacred garments” to bestow Aaron and his sons with “dignity and honor” (verse 2).
All the garments worn by the Old Testament priests were symbolic of being set apart for God’s work of atoning for sin. Compliance with the “dress code” was required. This is noted in verse 43: “Aaron and his sons must wear [the garments] whenever they enter the tent of meeting or approach the altar to minister in the Holy Place, so that they will not incur guilt and die.”
While such elaborate garments may seem odd today, God used these distinctive garments to set His spiritual leaders apart from the other Israelites. Each piece of the priestly garments held significance related to the work the priests performed. The Israelites lived with a continual reminder of the importance of the priestly work. They also had a foreshadowing of Jesus, the “great high priest” (Hebrews 4:14), who would execute God’s plan of atonement in true holiness and perfection.
Therefore, specific garments are worn during certain services as a demonstration to the people of our oath to be set apart for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
The North Carolina Diocese is a place that embodies the principles of the Word of God, the infusion of ideas from our partitioners and doing so in comfort and individuality. During certain events, we may request a certain dress code for uniformity. We want you to know that you’ll be accepted and accommodated regardless of whether or not you follow the recommended dress guidelines. Our ultimate goal, is to come together and worship the Lord in spirit and truth.